Bossa Nova Club

Milla Mäkinen

Laulaja ja kitaristi Milla Mäkinen
Milla Mäkinen plays the guitar and sings for example songs by Tom Jobim, Chico Buarque and Vinicius de Moraes. The samba and Bossa nova rhythms take us to a trip to Latin America.
  • Time

    Sat 6.10.
    9 PM – 12 PM

  • Place

    Lilla Villan
    Jussaksentie 16
    04130 Sipoo

  • Performers

    Milla Mäkinen,
    guitar & vocals

  • Ticket sales BUY TICKET
    Tickets are available half an hour before the concert from the door

  • Price

    NetTicket 9,50€
    From the door 10 €