The show tells funny, peculiar and interesting true stories about the life of the Sun King Louis XIV, who ruled France in the 17th century, to the accompaniment of Baroque music composed for the court of Versailles.
During the performance, the audience is introduced to the era of the Baroque and the music played at the court of Versailles.
Recommended age is from 5yrs upwards. The concert is acoustic.
The performance is in Finnish.
Saturday 12.10.2024
At 12:00 – ca. 12:45
Lilla Villan
Jussaksentie 16
04130 Sipoo
Anni Elonen, baroque violin
Hanna Haapamäki, recorders and transverse flute
Tatu Ahola, baroque cello
Mikko Ikäheimo, baroque guitar and lute
Anni Elonen and Hanna Haapamäki, manuscript and musical planning
Eveliina Heinonen, director
One hour before from the door
Advance tickets:
10 €